by Suherman
(Theacher in SD Negeri Jagapura 04 Districts Kersana District Brebes - Center Java - Indonesia)
This research begins
from the low learning outcomes of students class 2 SDN Kersana 04.
This is the
background of researchers to conduct research using Fun Learning Method.
Fun Learning method
is a fun and fun learning method centered on the psychological condition of
students and the atmosphere of the environment in conducting the teaching and
learning process.
This method is a way
to create a sense of love and desire to learn (Indrahayu Sri 2010). The purpose
of this study is to determine the activities of teachers and learners observed
by the observer, to determine the learning outcomes of learners, as well as the
constraints faced by learners at the time of learning using Fun Learning Method
in class 2 SDN Jagapura 04. Type of research Used is ResearchClass Action (PTK)
with qualitative descriptive method. The subject of this
research is the second grade students of SDN Jagapura 04 with the number of 36
people. Data collection techniques used are observations to determine the
activities of teachers and students, tests to determine student learning
outcomes, as well as interviews to determine the constraints faced at the time
of learning activities using Fun Learning Method. The results showed that
learning by using Fun Learning Method can improve learning outcomes of learners
during learning. This is evident from the results of observations obtained in
each cycle. In the first cycle, the average of student learning outcomes
reached 58.89 and on the second cycle average student learning outcomes reached
Then it can be
concluded that the application of Fun Learning Method implemented in learning
Indonesian can improve the learning outcomes of students class 2 SDN Jagapura 04.
Keywords: learning
results, wide triangle, rectangle, square, discovery learninng model,
Applying the right learning method will give
better results. Therefore it is necessary to strive learning methods that can
improve student learning outcomes. This effort becomes very important because
only through the method of learning it can improve on the concepts being
studied. In connection with the method of learning, especially in learning
Indonesian language and literature, then there are several methods of learning
that can be applied in learning Indonesian language to help students achieve
learning objectives. (Risnawati, 2010)
Sharing approaches and methods of learning,
ranging from contextual teaching and learning (CTL), problem solving,
cooperative learning, recitation methods, learning fun, quantum learning,
quantum teaching. The entire work of educators is aimed at assisting students
in improving their learning outcomes (Bahri, A. 2015). In this regard,
consideration should be given to the use of appropriate models, approaches,
strategies, and learning methods (Adrian, 2004).
Sharing approaches and methods of learning, CTL,
problem solving, cooperative learning, recitation methods, learning fun,
quantum learning, quantum teaching. The entire work of educators is aimed at
assisting students in improving their learning outcomes (Bahri, A. 2015). In
this regard, considerations should be approximated by using models, approaches,
strategies, and learning methods (Adrian, 2004).
The existence of obstacles that cause the low
learning outcomes of students is demanding clever and innovative teachers in
finding appropriate learning strategies applied in accordance with the
conditions and interests of students. The ability to apply a good method and to
choose the type of method suitable for the material presented is the type of
ability possessed by the teacher. This ability is the key that can facilitate
the students in receiving any material given by the teacher. Teaching methods
in teaching and learning process is a very important determinant factor in the
effort of achievement for students. A teacher should have the skills in
choosing the right teaching method to use in conveying the material.
As the results performed by Sri Indrahayu with
the same title but its application only on the subjects of mathematics. Where
in his research is said to be successful and get satisfactory results in
applying the method of learning. Because after applying the method students'
learning outcomes increase more than the previous appeal. Therefore,
researchers try to apply the method of learning on learning subjects in
Indonesia, because the application on other subjects got satisfactory results
then researchers want to also get satisfactory results by applying the same results.
Based on the results of preliminary observations
made at SDN Jagapura 04 it is known that the Minimum Criteria of Completion
(KKM in Indonesia) of Mathematics in class 2 is 70. But in fact, there are
still many students who have not been able to reach the predetermined KKM.
Results of student evaluation performed on the final activity on learning
Indonesian with basic competence Knowing Narrative Story Text shows that from
36 students, 23 of them get value under KKM. And only 13 students or 36.11
expressed. This shows that about 63,89% of students do not get the value that
fulfill KKM. Researchers assume that the cause of the various problems above is
the inaccuracy of learning methods used in the learning of Bahasa Indonesia.
Based on the background of the above problem
then there are some formulation of the problem as follows:
- How is the application of Fun Learning Method on learning Indonesian to improve the learning outcomes of students class 2 SDN Jagapura 04 Year Lesson 2016/2017?
- How is the result of learning Indonesian class 2 students SDN Jagapura 04 after the application of Fun Learning Method ?
- How is the behavior of students of class 2 SDN Jagapura 04 in learning Indonesian after the application of Fun Learning Method?
Understanding Learning Outcomes
According to Hamalik (1983: 56) suggests that learning outcomes are measurable behavior, learning outcomes
can be evaluated using a certain standard According to Abdurrahman in Jihat (2009: 14) that "learning
outcomes or learning achievement is learning itself is a process of someone who seeks to obtain a form
of change in behavior that is relatively settled.
According to Nasution (1982: 36) the results of learning outcomes of an intracent learning and learning acts are usually shown
by the test scores given by the teacher.
Meanwhile, according Dimyati and Mujiono (2000: 36) learning outcomes are the results shown from an
intraken action learning and usually shown the value of tests given teachers.
Based on the above description can be concluded that the result of learning is the change of student behavior
significantly after the learning process that is appropriate with the purpose of teaching through the assessment
of skills, knowledge, and attitude of each group can be filled with the school curriculum.
Factors Affecting Student Learning Outcomes
1. Internal factors
Internal factors are factors that arise from within the individual itself, while the internal factors are
intelligence, talent, interest, and motivation
• Intelligence or intelligence is the ability to learn with the ability to adjust to the circumstances it faces.
• Talent is a certain ability that a person possesses as an innate ability.
• Interests are a constant tendency to notice and recognize some activities or a steady inclination in the
subject to be interested in a particular field.
• Motivation is the drive to do something.
2. External Factors
That is the factors that can affect the learning achievement that is from outside the students
themselves, namely family circumstances, schools and surrounding areas.
• Family circumstances can determine the success of children in learning.
• Teacher Factors, teachers as educated personnel have the task of organizing teaching and learning activities,
guiding, cultivating, researching, and developing and giving lessons to students.
• Learning Resources, are
factors that support success in learning and teaching.
• Teaching Method, That is the way that done by the teacher delivering the subject matter to the student in
the learning activity.
Full article can be downloaded here Classroom Action Research IMPLEMENTATION OF FUN LEARNING METHOD
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